Prices are indicative only and may be higher depending on your situation. Valid prices in Polish currency, other currency types depend on the actual exchange rate.
Here: 1 PLN = 2,22 NOK, 1 NOK = 0,45 PLN; 1 PLN = 0,22 EUR, 1 EUR = 4,64 PLN 22.06.2022
*The free services mentioned here for the examination and X-rays only apply if the dental treatment follows afterwards !
If you have paid for the examination, the amount will be refunded when coming for a treatment.
We are very unhappy about this situation.
Many patients come to us during their holidays just to get a treatment plan and X-rays for free for their home dentists.
The mentioned prices are including all surgical works, dental technician works as well as the treatment plan, x-rays, anestethics.
However, due to the current situation, these prices can change daily.
The mentioned prices are estimations, the individual prices you will see on your personal offer from HAPPY SMILE and GODENTA
!!!! A new price-list for 2022, valid from July 2022 will be available soon !!!!
Generally GODENTA can offer you better prices than the clinic itself.
Describe your problems using the numbers in a dental scheme. Send us x-rays, photos or the offer of your dentist at home. The language doesn't matter as long as it will be a European language.
Read moreHere at HAPPY SMILE we have high educated specialists for all kind of dental treatments.
Meet our Team of dentists and assistantsAt HAPPY SMILE we offer better guarantee conditions than obligatory in the EU.
See the terms and conditions of our guaranteeSend us your information about your dental problems, x-rays, photos, offers from your "home dentists" describe your problems...
Refer as well to the "How to?" section of for more information.
How to? on the GODENTA pages →
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or fill in the form on our contact page