• I want to thank you for very good help and service...

    Hello Reinhard!
    I want to thank you for very good help and service over the years I have visited Gdansk. I am very satisfied with my last visit to Gdansk too, and with - Projekt Usmiech. The dentist, Mischiek (Maciej Przeniosło) and his crew were very kind and skilled, and I am really pleased with their work. You have my permission to tell them.
    Best regards from Leif F.

  • My mother is extremely satisfied..

    ...with the treatment as she felt no pain. We will definitely recommend you to our family and friends :)  Projekt Usmiech was far more modern than any dentist office I´ve been to in Norway and I appreciated how much he explained to us about the progress. Thank you again for all your help :)

  • Danke für die gute Betreuung vor Ort!....

    Hallo Herr Pletzer, Danke für die gute Betreuung vor Ort! Ich bin sehr zufrieden damit, wie der Oberkiefer nun aussieht, allerdings habe ich Zahnschmerzen rechts oben gekriegt. Im letzten Zahn, der auch schon bei der Behandlung ziemlich empfindlich war.

    ......Vielen Dank, heute war alles in der Post! Ich schicke alles ein, und falls sie dort noch irgendetwas brauchen, würde ich mich wieder melden. Aber vielleicht ist die Kasse ja auch zufrieden mit den ganzen Papieren. Grüssen Sie bitte Igor noch mal - der Zahn ist jetzt endlich nett zu mir und ich lache im Prinzip von Morgen bis Abend, das macht jetzt wieder Spass!.....

  • Hello again.....

    At home, after six successful days in Poland. I visited the dental clinic for two days,..... Luckily enough my upper jawbone wasn”t hurt, therefore the implantat screw could be mounted at once. Now my next visit to the dental clinic will be after 6 months, according to Igor Foltyn........ So far I am so satisfied. The whole staff of the clinic were such nice people....

  • Hej Reinhard....

    ...och tack så mycket för allt.Jag är mycket nöjd med allting. Innan kunde jag inte tugga med baktänderna, bara med framtänderna och nu kan jag allt detta utan några problem.Jag kan till och med bita i ett äpple utan problem,helt underbar. Det finns inget negativt att säga.Fortsätt med det och ni komma att får ännu flera patienter att tar hand om. Många hälsningar,även till Tandpersonalen Dieter A... Sverige

  • Jeg vil takke for en kjempe god service....

    Hei Jeg vil takke for en kjempe god service og veldig god behandling . Dere har et mye mer moderne utstyr enn hva jeg har sett i Norge hos noen tanlege og jeg følte at jeg ble behandlet veldig bra . Det var overhode ingen smerte under behandlingen , og tannlegen som behandlet meg virket veldig trygg . Han snakket utrolig godt Engelsk , så det var ingen språk problemer . Jeg ser frem til å komme tilbake for å fullføre behandlingen . vennlig hilsen Asbjørn

  • ...Thanks again for your help over there....

    Hi Reinhard, Thanks again for your help over there, it was professional all the work than to me, that I will recommend to my friends and family as well to dental treatment I have it, I would like to be there at the beginning of September if you can help me with the dates and the things to think this time. I have to be now maybe a week I dont know that yet. .... I coming with a new patient a friend of my we will contact you too. ... Please give my greetings to the doctors and nurses there that i did enjoyed their help and tell them that i happy for it. To the hostel, two nice persons who help me in the practical things too, and i will tell you if you can book for me a room the same or another for two person in those days in September maybe the first week of it. Thanks again. Best Regards, Reynaldo
